Networking: invaluable support for your business development in the Basque Country
To help you set up and develop your business in the Basque Country, BASQUE INVEST and the Bayonne Pays Basque Chamber of Commerce are happy to open up their professional address books and share connections.
Networking in the basque country
Networking is an important part of the economic and social fabric in the Basque Country. Economically speaking, Basque companies benefit from a robust and diverse network that encourages partnerships, collaborations and commercial exchanges. Industrial clusters specializing in sectors such as aeronautics, agri-food, health and new technologies foster synergies between local players. Incubators also provide an environment conducive to the emergence and growth of start-ups, while facilitating access to a network of potential partners and investors.
Beyond the economic aspect, the Basque Country is known for its community spirit. Strong bonds and a sense of belonging can easily be built within towns, villages, associations or sports clubs.
A way of life rooted in tradition, the Basque Country is rich in economic and human resources. Thanks to its strong local presence and long-standing partners, BASQUE INVEST can help you establish a long-term position in the Basque Country, and above all, put you in touch with potential partners.
basque invest's influence
When you arrive in an unfamiliar country or region, it’s vital to have access to the right contacts to save time and increase your chances of success.
BASQUE INVEST puts you in touch with the people who can help you create and develop your business.
Our work is supported by the Bayonne Pays Basque Chamber of Commerce, the Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque, the Conseil Régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund):
- ERDF is one of the European structural funds. Its aim is to strengthen economic and social cohesion within the European Union, by correcting imbalances that affect regional competitiveness and employment.
- The Conseil Régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine is responsible for structuring sectors of excellence, securing jobs and qualifying the workforce.
- The Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque implements actions to reinforce the economic attractiveness of the region by developing facilities to welcome companies such as business parks, business incubators, etc.
- The Bayonne Pays Basque Chamber of Commerce plays an important role in providing information and advice to businesses. It represents business leaders in the French Basque Country.
Thanks to our experience, we are able to identify the needs of companies wishing to set up in the region, and then support them through various actions:
- Securing invitations to the Chamber of Commerce and other relevant business events.
- Providing information for managers on new developments, regulations in France and Europe, and administrative formalities.
- Helping with integration into the region’s economic fabric.
- Creating discussion groups around common interests.
- Setting up contacts for cooperation.
Our confidentiality and integrity with regard to our partners and our in-depth knowledge of the local economy make BASQUE INVEST the best strategic partner for your company when it comes to dealing with the formalities involved in setting up business.
For more specialized questions, or those that do not fall within our remit, we can put our network of experts at your disposal:
- LEGAL MATTERS (setting-up procedures, company formats, etc.)
- ASSISTANCE (business plans, subsidies)
- ACCOUNTING EXPERTS (business law, corporate taxation, labor law)
Our support is confidential – you will be the one who discusses your project with these different experts, we simply make the introductions.